My first inaugural experience

My day started out with waking up at 4:30 a.m. and practically inhaling McDonald’s coffee while mentally preparing for the day. I was pumped and ready to take on the world. My first inauguration was before me. I really had no idea what to expect of the day, but I was prepared. I wore clothes with pockets so I could bring everything I might need – Kleenex in case I sneezed, a granola bar in case I had a minute to grab a bite and, of course, hand warmers.

All of the interns gathered in the lobby of our apartment building, ready to embrace the cold weather and report all day. We had arrived where we thought we were supposed to go for media check-in, but it seemed as if every security person had a different policy about who could go where. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get in, but I finally got past security. Next task: figure out where I’m supposed to be and start taking pictures.

Once I realized how close I was to the Capitol, I decided to stay there until someone said something about it. My inauguration ticket was for a different area, farther away from the Capitol. Since no one asked me to move, I was able to sit and enjoy the entire ceremony up close with an incredible view.

If I had to choose one word to describe witnessing this historic event, it would be “patriotic.” I think that, despite the problems our nation faces, we still live in the greatest country on Earth. The fact that we are able to have such a peaceful transfer of power among our differences is an incredible testament to our people. It meant so much to me not only to be at the inauguration but also to be surrounded by people who are different from me, yet at the same time, very similar. amy

I interviewed a woman after the ceremony who was so full of energy and excitement to be at the inauguration. She is a first-generation American and had never been to an inauguration ceremony before. It meant a lot to her that she was an American, and it made me think twice about how blessed I am to have been born here.

Another man I interviewed openly admitted that he was not a Democrat but was a big supporter of President Barack Obama. This was his fifth inauguration. That sparked my interest because he had been to both Democratic and Republican inaugurations in his past.

Next on my to-do list was to get back to the office and write my stories, then prepare for the Creative Coalition ball. It was my job to talk to celebrities and find out who they think will win the Super Bowl. What a task! I spoke to actors Robert Knepper, Richard Schiff, Evan Handler, Matt Bomer, Tim Daly, Omar Epps and others. After the celebrities walked the red carpet, I met Don Lemon from CNN and took a picture with him.

After the Creative Coalition ball, I went home and ate dinner at about 1 a.m. and thought to myself as I fell asleep, “Wow, I won’t get to do this again until I’m 26 years old.”

don lemon

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1 Response to My first inaugural experience

  1. kathy johnson says:

    Great job Amy! I heard about your channel 4 report. Congrats!

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